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New Year’s Social Media Clean-up

As seen in Connecting Albert County.

We’ve made it to a new year, and we are all keen for a fresh start! As a county we came together and showed 2020 who’s boss and now we’re ready to show the rest of Canada our can-do spirit! Whether you are using social media to boost your business or just for personal purposes, the new year is the perfect time to dust the metaphorical cobwebs from your profiles. Follow these steps to have a profile you are excited to share:

  1. Profile pictures
    Make sure you have an up to date, professional photo on your profile. This is front and center for potential employers, business partners and more so it should reflect your current self in the best light. If you have multiple social media accounts, using the same photo on all of them will produce a consistent and curated effect.
  2. Do a photo audit
    We don’t always post the photos that show us in the best light, but the new year is the perfect time to change that! Do an audit of all your existing images (yes, even those from 8 years ago!) and remove any that don’t complement your business or personal brand. Spend some time choosing your cover image carefully too and consider creating something specific if you don’t find a suitable image.
  3. Check your bio

As a good rule of thumb, you should review your bio on an annual basis, even if there have been no notable changes. Our lives develop organically, and you may be surprised at how out of date it can become. Again, create something that can be displayed consistently across your social media platforms, so it is simple for people to recognize you.

  1. Check your position and skills
    This one is LinkedIn specific. LinkedIn is the number one platform for B2B contact and a great place to showcase your business or your skills. Your position should be accurate (the title wording should match that of the business’ website), and any changes noted. You can list up to 50 skills too so review these carefully, swapping options in and out as your role develops.
  2. Audit your business details
    If you have social media profiles for your brand, use the January downtime to check your information is accurate and up to date. Common culprits include opening hours, phone numbers and website addresses.
  3. Start unliking
    In the early days of social media, we were all fiendishly liking and following everything we could think of, but this can dilute the efficacy of this function. Review your likes, your follows, and your groups and cut it down to those that are relevant. That “I love peanut butter” group really isn’t doing you any favors!
  4. Revoke permissions
    On the same note, check the list of third-party permissions on your profiles and remove any that are no longer relevant. The more permissions you have given, the greater the likelihood you will be affected in a data breach so remove any that are not in use.
  5. Ask for recommendations
    LinkedIn lets you showcase recommendations and endorsements; Facebook has reviews. There is no shame in asking, although it is polite to return the favor if applicable. Use this quieter period to follow up on any reviews that aren’t stellar, ask happy customers for recommendations and get endorsements of your skills.

Our lives are an evolution, and our social profiles should be too! If you would like some help creating or tidying a social media profile for your business or your personal brand, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch on social media or find us at https://cyberprarmy.com/

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