Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc. is a leading digital marketing agency
offering strategically integrated services. They proactively combine
digital assets to enhance their client's online presence and impact.

Why should you hire a digital agency instead of using an in-house staff member?

Digital marketing continues to expand at a whirlwind pace. What was once just another thing for your team to manage now takes industry knowledge, constant learning, data analytics, and an endless amount of creative energy.

The average small business owner spends 20 hours a week on marketing.

Time spend on marketing tasks each week infographic

You don’t have the time to do it all yourself (no one does). Your team is likely overwhelmed already with the number of hats they wear. And business isn’t slowing down any time soon.

It’s crunch time.

What could you do if you could reclaim 20 hours per week and still stay on track for your marketing goals?

You know it’s time to hire an in-house marketer or partner with someone outside of your business. Your marketing implemented with excellence while you conduct business.

In-house digital marketer vs Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc.

An experienced and knowledge in-house digital marketer could cost you $50,000 a year. We work with businesses of all shapes and sizes and can scale up or down as your goals change. We’ve worked across so many industries, allowing us to anticipate the needs and seasonal fluctuations your business goes through.

Relying on a single digital marketer leads to restricted ideas, no matter how great they are. We are a highly experienced team who work together to create the best results for your business, whether that’s something simple or some out of the box thinking that grabs attention.

Freelancer vs Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc.

The freelancer marketplace is filled with talented, dedicated individuals… but they can be tough to find. Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc. will never leave you in the lurch, we have plenty of recommendations, and you will meet Lynn face-to-face or on Zoom so you can know your business is in safe hands.

Freelancers can be located in any time zone (we love that flexibility!) but your business is likely in Atlantic Canada. We’re based in the Atlantic Time Zone and will be there for you when you need us.

The advantages of hiring Cyber PR Army Solutions - significant cost savings, high-quality output, dependable and local, award-winning and innovative team

Ready to reclaim 20 hours per week and partner with a dedicated team of digital marketing professionals?

Book your discovery call today.

Awards & Accreditations


Business of the Year award by the Albert County Chamber of Commerce (May 2022)

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