Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc. is a leading digital marketing agency
offering strategically integrated services. They proactively combine
digital assets to enhance their client's online presence and impact.

AI isn’t coming soon; it’s already here. Business from one-person startups to huge multinationals are already leveraging the power of AI. If you don’t react to this opportunity, you will, unfortunately, be outcompeted by those who do.


Because AI, when utilized correctly, improves and accelerates communications, removes cumbersome steps in your processes and can be a catalyst for innovation and ideation.

It can improve your customer service, help you create at a faster rate than ever before and reduce operational costs while it does it.

AI is happening now, and it will happen with or without you.

The reality? If you don’t adopt AI, your staff will. Employees are using AI technology to help them with their role, even if the business hasn’t issued guidelines. By having a company policy to handle which elements should be AI-managed and which should stay firmly human, you are letting your team know you are moving with the times and where the boundaries lie, keeping your data safe and expectations realistic.


Did you know? In a recent survey commissioned by Grammarly, 49% of businesses were currently experimenting and preparing to implement AI. 42% of business had already implemented AI (stats from May 2023).

So… where do you begin?

At Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc. , we have studied (and continue to study) the rapidly evolving AI marketplace. Our team have tested dozens of solutions and we have a clearcut roadmap within our business regarding AI usage. We’ve seen firsthand how helpful it can be, which is why we are offering our AI Action Plan to help your business do the same.

This package includes:

  • Consultation to understand current processes – meet with our Commander-in-Chief, Lynn to discuss your current processes.
  • Roadmap and recommendations – we will develop a cost-effective list of recommendations for how your business can use AI to boost its growth without taking humans out of the picture.
  • Presentation of ideas – we will present our recommendations and discuss the options with you, so you have a clear understanding.

Staff training – once you have decided on the right path for you, we will help your team get up to speed and ensure they are happy with the changes.

Who is the AI Action Plan for?

Businesses of any size that don’t know where to begin. Business owners who want to make the most of new technology but don’t feel confident making choices from the myriad of options, especially when they aren’t sure which parts of their business should be using AI.

Knowing which apps to choose in an everchanging list can be challenging, but our team can guide you on secure and effective platforms.

Your staff will love what AI can do for them once they see it in action. AI enhances productivity and accelerates suitable tasks considerably.

Best of all? Most AI solutions are cost-effective and multi-use. We can guide you to choices that will provide for your needs in the least number of apps.

Find out how much time AI can save you. Book a consultation today.