Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc. is a leading digital marketing agency
offering strategically integrated services. They proactively combine
digital assets to enhance their client's online presence and impact.

Collin’s Lobster Shop Retail Case Study

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Background Information

Collins Lobster Shop, a renowned seafood retailer based in New Brunswick, sought to enhance its retail sales and establish a robust online presence to cater to the ever-evolving consumer demands in the seafood market. With seasonality playing a major role in their offering, it was essential for them to have an evergreen presence that promoted changing product ranges. To achieve this, they partnered with us, a digital marketing agency known for its expertise in driving digital success for businesses with an on and offline approach.

Collin's Lobster Shop social media portfolio

The Challenges

  1. Limited Online Presence: Collins Lobster had a minimal online presence, hindering its reach to a wider audience and limiting their organic growth.
  2. Sales Growth: The client aimed to increase sales, particularly in the digital space, where competition was fierce.

Our Solutions

  1. Digital Strategy Customization: Cyber PR Army Solutions recognized that a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t work for Collins Lobster Shop. The team tailored digital marketing strategies to suit the unique requirements of a seafood retail business, focusing on the following:
    • E-commerce Optimization: Revamping the client’s e-commerce platform for a seamless shopping experience.
    • Local SEO: Enhancing local search visibility to attract nearby customers.
    • Social Media Marketing: Leveraging social channels to showcase the freshness of their products and emphasize the local benefits.
    • Online Advertising: Targeted online ads to reach potential customers.
  1. Content and Messaging Enhancement: To resonate with the seafood-loving audience, Cyber PR Army crafted compelling content highlighting the client’s fresh, high-quality seafood products. The messaging emphasized the ease of online ordering and prompt delivery nationwide. We also emphasized the health benefits and versatility of each product, leaning into an ethos of loving local and the renowned quality of Fundy seafood.
  2. Visual Branding: Cyber PR Army developed visually appealing content, including images and graphics, to showcase the client’s products and enhance brand recognition.
  3. Google My Business Optimization: Cyber PR Army created a Google Business profile and optimized it to improve the client’s local online presence and facilitate enhanced customer discovery.
  4. LinkedIn Page Setup: Recognizing the potential of LinkedIn for B2B and networking, Cyber PR Army set up a professional LinkedIn page for Collins Lobster Shop, positioning them as a vendor for corporate gifts that stand out from the crowd.

Our Results

The collaboration between Collins Lobster Shop and Cyber PR Army yielded remarkable results and has led to an ongoing partnership.

  1. Sales Growth: The client experienced a significant increase in online sales, with a steady rise in revenue.
  2. Enhanced Visibility: Collins Lobster Shop’s online visibility improved dramatically, attracting more local customers and seafood enthusiasts, particularly through the optimization of their Google Business profile.
  3. Brand Recognition: The visually appealing content and consistent messaging strengthened brand recognition among the target audience and gave the Collins team a library of content they can reuse as needed to keep their audience engaged.
  4. LinkedIn Presence: The establishment of a LinkedIn presence enabled the client to explore B2B opportunities, an area with more growth potential due to fewer competitors.

Future Initiatives

With Scott pivoting to make seafood retail his main focus (a transition that took place in 2023), Cyber PR Army Solutions will continue to support his endeavours through the creation of social media posts, reels, and SEO-friendly web content to further boost the Collins’ online presence and sales, helping them build their reputation across Atlantic Canada.

Words from Lynn, Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc.

“Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc. transformed Collins Lobster Shop’s retail sales by creating a tailored digital marketing strategy. Through enhanced online presence, engaging content, and effective branding, we positioned the client for success in the competitive seafood retail industry. The results speak for themselves—more sales, increased visibility, and a growing online community of seafood enthusiasts. We are delighted to support Collins Lobster Shop as it continues to flourish!”

Words from Scott, Collins Lobster Shop

“Cyber PR Army Solutions Inc. has great local service with excellent knowledge of the latest technology for our small business. Fast, efficient, and great communication. Any time we need changes or modifications to our website, emails, social media etc. they responded in a timely manner with upmost professional support. Strongly recommend!!”