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Why Seasonal Businesses Should Embrace Year-round Marketing

As the seasons change, so do the needs and interests of consumers. For seasonal businesses, this fluctuation can often mean a boom-and-bust cycle that’s as predictable as the weather. But what if you could smooth out the peaks and valleys to maintain a steady flow of engagement and revenue throughout the year?The answer lies in embracing year-round marketing, and here’s why it’s a game-changer for seasonal businesses.

Building Momentum, Not Starting from Scratch

Imagine if a bear forgot everything when it hibernated and had to start learning again from scratch every year. It would be exhausting and inefficient. He’d be just getting the hang of it when he’d need to hibernate again! Similarly, seasonal businesses that go dormant in their marketing efforts during their off-season are essentially starting from zero when peak season rolls around. It is exhausting, frustrating, and unlikely to give you the results you are hoping for.

A year-round marketing presence won’t just keep you in the race; you will steadily gain ground, ensuring that when the high season arrives, you’re sprinting, not stumbling, out of the starting blocks.

The Art of Subtle Engagement

The key to off-season marketing isn’t to bombard your audience with the same intensity and messaging used during peak times. It’s about subtlety and consistency, nurturing your audience and changing up how you engage them. Your goal is to remain a whisper in the back of your customer’s minds so that when the season returns, your business is the first they think of.

Developing blog content that continues to build on relevant keywords can enhance your SEO, keeping your website visible and climbing the ranks, even when your services aren’t in peak demand. Maintaining a once or twice-a-month frequency of high-quality content will keep improving your visibility when some competitors switch off from blogging.

Be Useful, Be Remembered

Utility breeds loyalty. By finding ways to be useful to your customers in the off-season, you’re building a relationship that transcends transactions. For instance, if you run a landscaping business, winter months can be used to share tips on indoor plant care or how to prepare your garden for the spring. If you run a music festival, you can promote that you are looking at new artists, tease upcoming events, and ask for opinions from your fans. This approach positions you as an expert and a year-round ally in your customers’ lives.

Think about what your business does and how you can help people close down for the winter, plan for the summer, or anything in between.

Nurturing Through Content

Content is the soil in which customer relationships grow. Off-season social media posts that are relevant and engaging keep your audience’s interest piqued. They don’t have to be directly related to your peak season offerings but should be complementary. For example, a holiday resort could offer travel tips, wellness content, or local cuisine recipes during the off-season. This nurtures existing customers and can attract new ones who stumble upon your content in search of related topics. They will be actively watching your feed when you start to tempt them with start-of-season offers!

Email Marketing is Your Off-Season Superpower

Email marketing is a powerful tool for keeping the conversation going year-round. It’s personal, direct, and cost-effective. Use your blog posts and social media posts to draw people to it and use it to share updates, industry news, and exclusive off-season offers. Remember, it’s not about the hard sell; it’s about maintaining a connection and providing value so your business is at the forefront of their minds when the buying season arrives. Trying to sell in the off-season would come across as mechanical and impersonal, so keep it natural and trust that people reading your content will be ready and waiting when you offer them something.

The Benefits of Year-Round Marketing

Skimming through this article? We get it; you’re busy! Here’s a quick recap of the core benefits of year-round marketing for your seasonal business:

  1. SEO Advantages: Continuous content creation means continuous SEO improvement. You’re constantly giving search engines fresh material to index, which can improve your rankings and visibility.
  2. Customer Retention: Retaining existing customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones year after year. Year-round marketing keeps you connected with your customer base, increasing the likelihood of repeat business and referrals.
  3. Brand Strength: Consistent marketing efforts help to build and maintain brand awareness. A brand that’s only visible part of the year risks being forgotten or overshadowed by competitors who maintain a year-round presence.
  • Market Research: Engaging with your audience throughout the year provides valuable insights into their changing needs and preferences, allowing you to adapt and refine your offerings. The off-season is a great time to ask them what they would like to see the following year and beyond.
  • Revenue Streams: By staying active all year, you may identify new opportunities to diversify your revenue streams, making your business more resilient. This could be a maintenance product, a way to bring a lite version of what you offer to their home… keep your eyes and ears open!

Embracing the Off-Season

The off-season isn’t just downtime; it’s an opportunity. It’s a chance to innovate, reach out to new market segments, and strengthen the core of your business without the pressure of peak-season sales targets. Use this time to reflect on your business strategy, engage with your community, and build a robust marketing plan that keeps the momentum going all year long.

Seasonal businesses have a unique rhythm, but that doesn’t mean the music should stop when the peak season ends. By embracing year-round marketing, you’re not just filling the silence; you’re composing a symphony that resonates with your audience throughout the year. So, let’s keep the conversation going, continue to be a resource, and ensure that when the season comes around again, your business is the only one on your potential customer’s lips.

Ask Those Who Know

We have supported many seasonal businesses, including Haskap Highland Orchard, whose busy harvest season has different needs to the winter; Waterworks Pools & Spas, who sell bespoke outdoor swimming pools and are busiest in the summer; and many event management professionals, who are busiest at set periods in the year. We understand the complexities of a whole host of industries and scale marketing up and down accordingly while always keeping an eye on the big picture.

Ready to transform your seasonal business with a year-round marketing strategy? Let’s craft a plan that keeps your brand in perpetual motion, regardless of season. Get in touch with our team or book a chat with Lynn below.

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